It was such joy to paint, be loose and free. This particular painting was coming along nicely.
After a bit, I walked away. Only to return and thought…oh I must fix up that right top corner. Yes, you guessed it. Sheer disaster! The looseness, the spontaneity of the painting was gone…for good. Darn, will I ever learn?

butterflies and fish

Then with sheer frustration I grabbed old credit cards, blotched paint here and there. Continued this way, splat here, splat there, dragging the card across the canvass. Then this painting came back gradually in a possible saved piece of artwork. I was in haste, this was to be completed to go into a Regional Art Gallery exhibition. Phew…I made it.

woven fish

Definitely was not the look I was after, but had to do.  Now to the upside of this story…this painting took out an acquisitive award and gave me a lovely sum of $2K.  Of course I was smiling, but secretly, I still love my very first painting and so thankful that I even had the notion to photograph the work in progress.

  • Yvonne - September 20, 2015 - 3:57 PM

    Yes Ingrid, I agree the original image was looser and softer but in the end you had a great outcome so who’s say which was the better?ReplyCancel

It was such a pleasure and relaxation to creative edit and put my own stamp with this old image I took sometime ago in Brisbane.
It was a most beautiful florist shop and the lady was kind enough and permitted me to photograph.  Not that much generosity about these days.

Tulips originated in Turkey and Persia and these became popular in the 17th Century in Europe.
Did you know that the word ‘Tulip’ is actually a Persian word meaning turban and was a headdress worn by many Middle Eastern people?  In Latin, this translates to ‘tulipa’.  Well there you go.

Tulips have a general meaning of love.  Pink coloured ones  present the idea of perfect happiness and show feelings of care.

tulips please ingrid douglas

There I was in this store, just browsing and admiring, yes more gadgets.  But mostly to see where were decorator trends going.  My creative juices are running dry.  I need to be inspired by ‘NEW’ – ‘DIFFERENT’ – ‘CURRENT TRENDS’
After all, as an artist, we must think like this.  If we are to create decorative art, it needs to follow the fashion.  Makes it such a disposable art form, doesn’t it?  The proof of this is a constant reminder of much loved and admired old paintings by excellent artists just sitting in a corner of the art studio.  What a shame.  But these works, just simply do not suit the current decor, the current design of the house, the current life style.  You must know what I mean.  I feel shamed.

Now back to this particular day.  I had no heavy photographic equipment, just my phone.  Mind you, if I had have dug out my DSLR I would have been swiftly stopped by one of the sales staff or sure.  Bless you phone.
So without much further ado, I managed to capture this image on the left.  What drew me to this image?  No not the 3 green jugs, but rather the tree behind.  I am always seeking tree foliage and branches to utilise or inspire me in my creative work.  The irony of it all, it was the  3 little green jugs that would steal the show at the end.  That is the beauty of the progression of being creative, working and pushing the limits in thought and ideas.
before 3 jugs small

  • Debbie Kerkhof - June 7, 2015 - 5:59 AM

    Wow, this is stunning, and you are right the three jugs really do bring you in … beautiful IngridReplyCancel

For many months now my energies have been in trying to create a more Photo-Artistic Life.  This journey has taken me from the normal mundane to a most exciting evolution in my imagery, my thought process with endless ideas and future goals.

‘Sacred Thursday’ in  My Art Wander’s Art Studio is also a most wonderful and nurturing time.  Thank you girls for permitting me to have my time with my computer – editing and listening to video tutorials.

I know this time was to be spent more with painting, continuing with our art journals, delving further into the fun world of Zentangle (a most relaxing hypnotic chill out) or create mixed media art works.  I promise to return to this when the mood dictates.
In the  meantime, chatter, coffee & yummies with good company is just what my soul needs right now.

myartwanders small 2

  • Danielle - June 2, 2015 - 12:50 PM

    Thursdays are ever evolving….so creative, wouldn’t miss it.ReplyCancel

    • Perfectoarts - June 2, 2015 - 1:13 PM

      Most definitely and we are all growing in our strengths and new ones to be found.ReplyCancel

One of my favourite pastimes is to capture reflections, shadows and unusual architectural aspects when wandering about our township.
Using reflections can lead to some amazing effects and beautiful images. I am particularly fond of window reflective surfaces they can completely alter the image from something fairly mundane to something richer or abstract or otherwise more artistic.
Of course, sometimes reflections are annoying and we try to avoid them as much as possible, but when it comes to intentional reflections then you can let your creativity run loose.
It takes some time to be able to see things differently, so I just let my spontaneous creativity run wild. You never know when you can create a unique image with added interest, abstraction, interest and depth.

Here are a couple of images, some created differently in post processing, others just captured with intention of ‘as is’.

  • Julianne aka Julz - April 23, 2015 - 5:41 PM

    Hi I’d,
    Your site is beautiful! Spectacular! Julz.ReplyCancel

    • Perfectoarts - June 2, 2015 - 1:59 PM

      Thank you Julz. I have been neglectful of my art and photography. But hope that is about to change.
      May the creative force be with you too.ReplyCancel

I chose to freeze some Hydrangea buds in a flat dish and some white lilies in a simple glass. What emerged later on, was a joy to behold.
Utter magic I thought,  giving a wonderful watercolour effect with some very vibrant colours.
Thought these images were so appropriate with Easter nearly upon us.

It is never too late or life too consuming to continue with furthering our skills or some other forms of education. This year I promised myself to really delve into learning Photoshop just that little bit more. These images are just finger exercises with the course that I am taking. That is one way to ensure you remain committed. The photographs are not mine in this instance but we have the rights to use them in our artform.

As the Festive Season was looming, I made a dash through many folders to find some flora studies. Added some textures to create a moody, old world feel, of my fairly ordinary photographs. Then I had a dilemma, which 12 could I choose to create a calendar?
So I created two different versions for gifts. Hope my friends will enjoy their 2015 Flora Studies in Grunge.

  • Cherie - January 25, 2015 - 10:35 AM

    Ingrid, your photography is stunning. I would buy a calendar full of these photos in a heartbeat! Looking forward to journeying through Awake with you!ReplyCancel

    • Perfectoarts - April 1, 2015 - 2:42 PM

      Thank you Cherie, what a wonderful comment. I too am enjoying my Awake journey.ReplyCancel